Natural Home Remedies That Help With Burns

By: Dzhingarov

Basically every single culture out there has some sort of natural remedies that are used for dealing with burns at home. This is mainly because of the fact that you can so easily end up faced with burns appearing during boiling oil or water and similar. The problem is that you have to assess how serious the burn is. That counts quite a lot at the end of the day because when you have a serious burn, you should not try to treat it with natural remedies. You should actually go to the doctor whenever that happens.

All the natural home remedies that you will read about below have to be avoided and used only when you will have a burn that is minor. This is very important.

Aloe Vera For Burns

Aloe Vera For Burns

Aloe vera has been used for a really long time to soothe and heal burns. You can directly apply a gel with aloe vera on the minor burn. This will lead towards a rejuvenating and soothing effect as the burned skin will be cooled by this substance. The active ingredient in such a gel is acemannen. It will break down fast and you can even use fresh inner leaf fillets. These are normally preferred. The fresh aloe vera will pretty quickly sooth the burns that are painful and can even help in the healing of some of the serious burns as it helps to reduce scarring.

Honey For Burns

Honey For Burns

This is another really common remedy that is often used to deal with burns and even covering them. When you use honey on the burn, it will heal faster. This automatically means that there is less scaring. It is a well-known fact that raw honey offers great healing and antiseptic properties. Just make sure that you do not use something that you randomly buy from the supermarket as the honey may not be raw.

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Vinegar For Burns

Vinegar For Burns

You might have heard that vinegar tries for burns and might have tried it. This can actually lead towards huge problems and will make the burn worse. You should know that you have to use diluted vinegar. You can so easily find this natural home remedy at home and if you are burned, you will be able to use it to soothe and help heal. All that you want to do is to cover a burned area with a cloth that is soaked with diluted vinegar. Make sure that you refresh that compress whenever necessary (when the pain is strong again).

Lavender Oil For Burns

Lavender Oil For Burns

When you use diluted lavender oil, you will receive great pain reduction. Combine this with vitamin E, vitamin C and an aloe vera gel and the result can be really great for you. You can apply these all throughout the day, helping you to heal the burn faster.

Alternatively, in the event that you do not have lavender oil, you can also use olive oil. Just dilute it a little.

Banana Peels For Burns

Banana Peels For Burns

This is something that many do not actually know. There are situations when you can place a simple banana peel on a skin area that is burned. You can use the peel until it is black. However, this is a home remedy that does not always work.

Yogurt For Burns

Yogurt For Burns

There are different situations in which you can use yogurt to improve the burns. Adding natural yogurt on the burn will help you to feel a lot better. Just make sure that the burn is not fresh. Only apply the yogurt around 30 to 60 minutes after the burn took place.

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