Best Supplements A Runner Can Use

By: Dzhingarov

Supplements for runners are highly controversial. It is hard to talk about the products that are best for runners because of the fact that there are so many different types of runners. What is great for a marathon runner would not be suitable for someone that is a sprinter.

While we can easily enjoy the debate and tell you why something is better for some people as compared to other options, there are some supplements that most runners can use with great success. That is what we will stay focused on. The following can easily be included on any list of the best supplements for runners.



Many do not know anything about this supplement. It is really great for the health of your joints. Every single runner understands the strain that he/she puts the body through during running. Celadrin will help a lot in protecting joints by aiding at cellular level, with the cell membranes cushioning joints and bones being lubricated. That would improve flexibility. To make matters even more interesting, celadrin will be great for muscles, deep tissues and tendons.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil

Omega 3 essential fatty acids stand out as fats that are highly beneficial for the human body. Fish is well-known as a great source of omega 3s but the big problem is that most people do not eat enough tuna or salmon. Fish oil becomes really useful for the runner as it will aid blood vessels to dilate. Cardiovascular and brain health are supported, all great for non-athletes and athletes.



A marathon runner will go through really intense training in order to be ready for the really long run. The physical stress will automatically deplete glutamine. This is the reason why you should use supplementation. L-Glutamine will aid stop the muscles from being sore as you work out and fuel the muscle to bring in better results. It is also really good for supporting the healthy immune system. Endurance exercise can have a negative effect on the immune system so using the supplement can aid.

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Endurance is paramount for long distance runners and athletes that train for long periods of time. Magnesium is important for endurance performance, being the number one mineral in an ahtlete’s diet. This is because it assists a lot in muscle contraction and increases energy. If you enjoy extreme endurance sports, you should know that the body ends up with magnesium deficiency. Take supplements to promote stronger muscles, bones and to support the function of the nervous system, together with cardiovascular health.

Whey Protein

Whey Protein

The importance of protein supplements is huge for absolutely all athletes. It aids maintain muscle mass, which is a big problem for the long distance runner. Whey protein is better than other proteins because of the fact that it is easily absorbed, faster than other protein types. The athlete requires more protein when compared to a non-athlete. The quantity of BCAA in whey protein supplements is high, supporting muscles after workouts, being an important addition to the died in order to recover after an exercise routine.