Apple Cider Vinegar or Green Tea – Which Is The Better Natural Weight Loss Aid?

By: Boris Dzhingarov

When it comes to weight loss, there are several things that can help people. Besides having a healthy diet and exercising regularly, apple cider vinegar and green tea are usually recommended for those who want to lose weight and be healthier.

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Both green tea and apple cider vinegar are calorie-free and can prevent food cravings and snacking during the day, but what is the better natural weight loss aid?

Apple Cider Vinegar As A Natural Weight Loss Aid

apple cider vinegar

The organic acids and enzymes that can be found in the apple cider vinegar can help you burn the fat faster by increasing your metabolism. Suppressing the appetite is another well-known benefit of using apple cider vinegar as a weight loss aid.

The digestive system will also work properly if you consume apple cider vinegar since the acetic acid helps extracting iron from food and by that improves the overall functioning of the body by enabling it to work properly, to eliminate toxins, to burn calories faster and to help you feel more energetic without eating extra meals.


Even though it is a natural remedy, apple cider vinegar should be used carefully. Do not take more than the recommended dose since you can experience some side effects.

When used in excess, apple cider vinegar can decrease bone density. This is why people who suffer from osteoporosis shouldn’t use it at all as a weight loss aid.

Apple cider vinegar can also interact negatively with diuretics, laxative or other types of medication so it is best to consult your doctor if you have a prescription for digestion, diabetes or heart disease.

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Green Tea As A Natural Weight Loss Aid

green tea

Green tea is another great natural aid that can boost the metabolism and enable people to lose weight faster. As in the case of apple cider vinegar, without a proper diet and exercising, green tea cannot do miracles. Drinking green tea and exercising can lead to an accelerated metabolism, a reduced appetite and the possibility to burn fat faster during training. The antioxidants contained by green tea have also numerous health benefits that are recognized by both primary care physicians and nutritionists. Green tea can improve the overall health of a person while helping with weight loss at the same time.


Since green tea contains caffeine, the side effects of consuming it are the same side effects of caffeine consumption in general. High doses of green tea are not recommended for those who suffer from heart conditions, high blood pressure, liver disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

People who have diabetes should monitor their blood sugar carefully to be sure the caffeine is not affecting the sugar levels. Also, those who have osteoporosis should most probably take some calcium supplements since drinking tea can increase the elimination of calcium through urine.

Before deciding which natural weight loss aid, apple cider vinegar or green tea, is best for you, take in consideration your overall health and, if you suffer for one of the conditions we mentioned, consult your doctor before making your decision.

Both supplements are generally safe and can help with weight loss, but the best way to know which one is better for you is to monitor your body’s response to them and to choose according to your doctor’s recomendations.

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