3 Yoga Positions To Help You Sleep Better At Night

By: Dzhingarov

If you practice yoga, you are surely aware of the numerous associated health benefits but did you know that there are some yoga poses that will help you to sleep better at night? All those that are mentioned below will help and you can easily try them in the event that you have some sleeping problems. However, in the event that sleeping problems persist for a long period of time, you should go to the doctor as there may be a serious problem that would need to be assessed as soon as possible. It is simply better to get checked out.

Balasana – Wide-Knee Child’s Pose

Balasana – Wide-Knee Child’s Pose

This is a resting pose that will offer a strong sense of stability and calmness. Do not practice if you have a knee or hip injury. Start kneeling on the floor and bring the big toes together. Then, separate knees at hip width or until mat edge. Start exhaling and sink the torso onto thighs. Hands should be relaxed right alongside the torso with arms pointed towards your back, with palms facing upwards. Shoulder tension is released and if you want to make the pose harder, you can reach hands forward, with palms down towards the math, the forehead on the mat and roll head gently to each side. This practice would also help release brow tension.

Supta Baddha Konasana – Reclining Bound Angle

Supta Baddha Konasana – Reclining Bound Angle

This is a yoga pose that will help ease the tension that you feel in the groin and hip area. The same precautions as above apply. Start by laying down on the mat with the knees bent and the feet right on the floor, as close to the tailbone as possible. Then, allow the knees to be relaxed while feet sole are brought together and you place firm cushions under knees for hip support.

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In the event that your hips are tight, feet can be adjusted at a wider distance from the tailbone. Alternatively, add more cushions. Put your arms at 45 degree angles on the floor, with the angle difference leading from the torso. Palms should be facing your ceiling. Never press down on the knees in order to increase tension as this is not the purpose of the yoga pose. A stretch that is gentle should be felt in the groin and hip areas but if pain is felt, you are overdoing it.

Savasana – Corpse Pose

Savasana – Corpse Pose

Every single yoga practitioner knows savasana as it is a traditional resting pose that is normally the final pose of a yoga session. Use it to sleep better at night as you improve your breath and you relax, releasing physical and mental tension.

All you need to do is lie with the back on the mat. Hug the knees towards the chest in a tight way and inhale. Then, exhale and start stretching the legs away. Maintain the tailbone on the ground and keep feet at hip width. The lower back area will start to relax. In the event that you feel pain, stop. This is a position that you have to do when you are relaxed so take you time when  you lie on the mat to inhale and exhale until heart rate goes down to a normal, resting rate.