Medical Equipment for Care Homes: Types of Walkers

By: Dzhingarov

Limited mobility can be a large hindrance for the elderly or disabled, so it’s in the best interest of Care Homes to provide their residents with aids to improve their mobility and thus increase their independence. While you can get a general idea of what you’re looking for from places like the Care Shop, it’s important to know the type of mobility equipment available, or walkers, will suit different people with different needs, and it’s good to know which of these will be suitable for a care home environment. Carers need to bear in mind the various conditions, ailments and issues that their residents may have and how this will affect their movements on the whole, while the aim, of course, is to improve the users balance and mobility.


Front -Wheeled Walker

This is one of the most common and popular designs of Walker that you’ll find. You can get this design without wheels as well, but it very much depends on the mobility limitations of the person using it. Front-wheeled Walkers are a good choice for anyone that requires a lot of assistance and might suffer from balancing issues or more are more at risk of falling. They are ideal for anyone that has trouble getting around, especially when recovering from an operation such as a hip replacement. Generally, these fit well into a care home and can be ordered in different sizes with regards to the frame and the wheels


By Stephen B Calvert Clariosophic (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
By Stephen B Calvert Clariosophic (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Rollator Walker

The Rollator Walker is a more sophisticated design compared to your standard Walker and was designed by someone with insights into limited mobility due to her suffering from Polio. Rollators come with four wheels, allowing for smoother mobility, and a seat for those with severely affected movement. Rollator’s aren’t a natural choice for everyone though; for one, they use hand brakes like a bicycle to allow for better control over the four wheels. The build of it means it’s not necessarily the right Walker for someone more prone to falling or with less confident balance. They also come with a basket to hold things, but this might not be necessary in a care home. On the whole, the Rollator comes with some potential problems, on the whole it is a safe and secure Walker to use.

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Hemi Walker

While Hemi walkers are much less popular and less well-known than the other walkers discussed here, but they have their uses. In this case, a Hemi Walker would be better suited to someone whose mobility is largely affected by debilitative conditions such as a stroke, which can put restrictions on someone’s movements but not enough for it to become hugely problematic. Hemi Walkers are adjustable, meaning that they are particularly handy for someone that might struggle to get up, so it can be a fantastic assistive device. Carers just need to ensure that if they do use Hemi Walkers they give them to the right people. Bear in mind that their design is a lot more specific than the other Walkers discussed here; they are more for someone with limitations on one side of the body or something similar.