Good Hygiene Practices – How To Minimize Viruses And Infection Spread

By: Boris Dzhingarov

It is quite interesting to notice that there are so many talks about good hygiene practices but not much is actually known about it, especially when referring to the workplace. It is really important to reduce infection and virus spread. This is mostly done through proper hand washing practices, with water and soap. At the same time, what is underestimated is getting vaccines for virus and infections.

Proper practices To Spread Infection Spread

There are many things that you can do. You can get appropriate vaccines, often wash hands and always stay at home in the event that you are sick. You should sneeze and cough inside your arm, not the hand, do turn away from people that are around you and always use tissues, always single use. Do dispose tissues as fast as possible and wash hands after using the tissues, sneezing or coughing. Do let children play with surface toys that are hard and never touch your mouth, nose or yes. Avoid sharing dishes, cutlery, glasses and cups.

Good Hygiene Practices At Work

The workplace can help so much more than what many imagine. It is important to have a really strong infection control plan and have the proper washing facilities with absolutely all the necessary products. Hand sanitizers that are waterless can be offered and you can easily offer tissue boxes. The staff can be reminded not to share cutlery, dishes and cups. Try to remove the papers and magazines that are regularly put in common rooms and do be sure that the ventilation system works properly. If a flu pandemic appears, offer wearing masks.

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Proper Cleaning

Viruses survive for different time frames. You do want to be sure that the hard surfaces are properly cleaned on a regular basis. Most of the studies highlighted the fact that the really common flu virus is capable of infecting and living in an outdoor scenario up to 8 hours. Some even live for an entire day or a couple of days.

You want to be sure that you often clean doorknobs, floors, walls and so on, with the use of water and soap or suitable disinfectants. When looking at hospitals and similar facilities, we have specific disinfection steps that are needed.

Understanding Social Distancing

This is a concept that is highly important for good hygiene. Social distancing basically means that you avoid places that are crowded, a closer contact with people and gatherings, especially when you are ill. Viruses will easily go from one person to the next in such a social scenario. Try to always maintain a distance of 1 meter from other people.

In order to achieve this social distancing, you can use video conferencing or telephones. The employees should be allowed to work at home or during flexible hours in the event that it is possible. Postpone or cancel meetings, workshops and travelling whenever necessary. Try to avoid the public transit routes whenever possible and allow your staff to eat at a desk or arrange it so that crowded lunch rooms can be avoided. If a meeting is needed, try to hold it in a room that is larger.

What If Someone Gets Ill At Work?

This is something that can always happen. Each organization has different ideas about the health condition that is necessary for an individual to be considered ill and get time off. That is highly subjective but as a general note, the employee has to always be allowed to stay at home in the event that there is the possibility that a virus infection exists.

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In the event that there is a pandemic, you have to use screening tools or checklists that are listing symptoms. Whenever you see that there are employees that show the symptoms, let them stay at home. If there is some sort of doubt that exists, you will want to do the same thing.