Discover The Importance Of First Aid Kit When Camping

By: Dzhingarov

Everyone should go camping at least once in their life, it is a great way of getting out into the fresh air and natural environment of the planet. It is a shame these days that most children only ever see the concrete jungle as they are growing up, but for those who do manage to get away from the cities, it is something to remember for all time. Whether a camping trip is being arranged by parents, or by a leader of something like the Scouts, safety preparations always need to be taken into account. A lot of people have learnt the hard way of the importance of first aid kit when camping.

You can purchase first aids kits from a number of stores, however these only contain the basic essentials, and are seldom suited to an individual camping trip. If you are in the wilderness, and hours from the nearest hospital, then you need a first aid kit that will cover most eventualities. For this reason, you should include the following items.


first aid kit
By Leigh Blackall from Dunedin, New Zealand (First Aid in the Tea Room) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons


Important first aid kits

Antiseptic Spray and Cream

You never know when someone is going to get a cut, and there is a lot of bacteria in the wilds that people’s immune systems may not have seen before. Things like bee stings, should be treated with an antiseptic cream that contains a mild antiseptic, and cream should be used prior to placing a plaster or bandage on a wound. The spray is for general cuts and grazes, as it covers a wider area.

Eye Wash and Moisturizer

It is easy to get things like dust and pollen in your eyes when walking through desert or forests, and you will be surprised how often people end up with a fly in their eye. The wash is used first, and then moisturizing drops are used afterwards.

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Bandages and Plasters

You need to take a huge selection of these. Plasters should be a mix of sizes, as well as cloth and waterproof varieties. Also include them in strips for wounds that are longer than average. Bandages should be different lengths and shapes, such as those for wrapping around a wound, supporting a splint, and for holding a broken arm.


This is a must these days with so many people suffering from various allergies. People will come into contact with a lot more of things like pollen when they are away from the city, and that means that people who may never show signs of something like hay fever, may get mild symptoms.

Stomach medication

Antacids and medication that settles stomach problems, such as antidiarrheal tablets must be included. If someone is suffering from diarrhea, make sure they drink a lot of water.

Other items that must be included:

• Disposable gloves
• Antiseptic wipes
• Tweezers
• Scissors
• Cream for burns
• Sunscreen
• Sick bags
• Cotton buds
• Small torch
• Safety pins
• Sterile gauze pads
• Insect repellent
• Painkillers
• Adhesive tape
• Throat lozenges
• Thermometer

Things like splints can be made on site from broken branches if required. It is also advisable to include a whistle to attract attention, and a small mirror. A mobile phone with GPS is also handy in case you need to be rescued. It is unlikely you will ever use this kit, but it is always best to have it on hand just in case.

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