Treatments For Dog Arthritis

By: Dzhingarov

Dog arthritis can cause your dog to have painful and restricted movement. Treatments for dog arthritis may include Home Remedies, NSAIDs, Surgery, and keeping your dog’s weight in a healthy range. However, your vet will most likely recommend surgery if the symptoms do not respond to other treatments. Read on for more information on dog arthritis and treatment options.

Home remedies for dog arthritis

Dogs can benefit from a variety of home remedies for arthritis. For example, turmeric and yucca are both known to help reduce inflammation and pain. Both are available in health food stores and can be incorporated into your dog’s diet. Turmeric has antioxidant properties that can help fight disease and prevent inflammation.

As dogs get older, their joints begin to deteriorate, leaving them more susceptible to arthritis. This condition typically affects older or larger dogs, and is the result of damaged cartilage in the joints. Because of this, the bones of arthritis sufferers rub against each other without any cushioning. This can lead to the growth of new bones in these areas.


NSAIDs are an effective first treatment for osteoarthritis in dogs. They help decrease activity levels and slow the progression of the disease. They are also often given in conjunction with other medications to increase their effectiveness. Adding other drugs to NSAIDs may reduce the amount of pain a dog experiences and the frequency of treatment.

While arthritis is a common problem, there are other reasons a dog may be experiencing slowing down or even failing to move. Other conditions that can cause slowing down or inactivity include bleeding spleen tumors, ingested pennies or rat poison, and bone tumors. Anti-inflammatory medications may not be the best option in all circumstances, but they can help your dog get better sooner.


Surgery for dog arthritis involves removing part of the affected joint. It is a minimally invasive procedure and the incisions made are small. A special camera is inserted through the incisions to give the surgeon a visual image of the joint. The veterinarian will then insert a thin instrument called an arthroscope to perform the surgery. The instrument contains cables for lighting and magnifying lenses to see inside the joint. The dog will need to be anesthetized to undergo this procedure.

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While there is no known cure for dog arthritis, various therapies can help manage the symptoms. The goal of treatment is to decrease pain and increase mobility. The best treatments combine multiple types of therapies.

Keeping your dog’s weight within a healthy range

The best way to prevent your dog from developing arthritis is to keep your dog’s weight within a healthy and normal range. Excess weight is one of the major risks in the development of dog arthritis, as it puts extra pressure on the joints. You can help prevent your dog from becoming overweight by giving it a diet high in fiber and low in fat. Also, avoid feeding your dog table scraps. Instead, give your dog toys, exercise, and attention.

While losing weight may be hard for some people, losing weight for your dog is a good way to keep him active and healthy, and may also help prevent the development of dog arthritis. You can consult with your veterinarian to develop a diet and exercise plan that is suitable for your dog. Your veterinarian may also prescribe supplements to reduce the risk of joint swelling and help your dog’s bones and joints be healthier. Some supplements contain omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining healthy joints and bones.

Keeping your dog’s joints lubricated

Keeping your dog’s joints lubed and moving well is a critical aspect of ensuring overall health. Most of the joints in dogs are covered with a layer of cartilage that helps them move smoothly. However, as your dog ages, this layer weakens, making it difficult for bones to move freely. In cases like these, owners usually bring their dog to a veterinarian, who will then prescribe appropriate treatments. However, you may have noticed that your dog has been feeling stiffer and lame for weeks or even months. You may have assumed that the condition was a normal part of the aging process and that your dog was simply slowing down. This is not always the case, and there are many things you can do to prevent arthritis in your dog.

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One of the first things you can do is to ensure your dog’s diet is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are proven to support joint lubrication in humans, and they can be found in a range of food sources, including fish. To make sure that your dog receives these essential fatty acids, you can add fish oil to his food.


A dog with arthritis should be kept active by doing a variety of light exercises five days a week. These exercises strengthen muscles and keep ligaments flexible, and they also help circulate blood around stiff joints. The exercises should last for 15 to 30 minutes each day. Dogs that have arthritis can also benefit from swimming, since the water supports their weight and limits sudden and excessive movements. If your dog doesn’t like to participate in strenuous physical activities, he or she can participate in gentle play like playing fetch and playing with toys.

Low-impact activities are best for dogs with arthritis because they build muscle strength and range of motion while reducing pain and increasing energy levels. You can also introduce new activities slowly by starting with a short walk, and gradually increasing the distance and duration. Always warm up your dog before introducing any high-impact activity to prevent injury and further deterioration.