Treatment For Bipolar Personality Disorder

By: Boris Dzhingarov

If someone in your circle is experiencing severe episodes of depression or mania, it is crucial that they seek assistance immediately. Reach out to either their GP or NHS Community Mental Health Team (CMHT). They may refer them.

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by extreme mood changes and predominately negative emotions, sometimes to such an extreme that others might confuse it for psychosis.


People living with bipolar disorder experience dramatic shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels that fluctuate widely from moment to moment. Their symptoms range from feeling irritable and energetic (known as manic episodes) to saddening sadness that leaves them hopeless (depressive episodes). Milder forms of mania known as hypomanic episodes also exist.

Some individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder can also experience psychotic episodes that involve hallucinations and delusions, which may correlate to either their high or low state; someone experiencing manic episodes might believe they are famous, possess special powers or that someone has stolen from them; while during periods of depression these same people might become convinced that their finances have been destroyed or that someone is trying to take advantage of them financially.

Some individuals experience long-lasting mood swings known as rapid-cycling, in which their state alternates rapidly between depressed and manic states, disrupting daily living and relationships, potentially necessitating hospitalization if severe enough.

Therapy and leading a healthy lifestyle can also help manage bipolar disorder. Psychotherapy or talk therapy, in particular, may teach skills for managing moods and lessening severity of episodes; additionally it may identify and stop triggers that lead to episodes.

Staying on treatment can be key. People who neglect taking their prescribed medication could see their mood worsen or even experience an episode, as well as experiencing more issues in their family, social life and work environment.

People living with bipolar disorder should also make time for regular physical activity, eating healthfully and getting adequate rest. Alcohol and drugs can be particularly damaging to mental health. Furthermore, keeping a journal of how they feel throughout the day will allow them to track symptoms as they occur while also aiding doctors in prescribing an optimal dosage for themselves; additionally it will allow them to identify triggers as well as track treatment progress.


Psychotherapy is an integral component of treating bipolar personality disorder, in addition to medication. Psychotherapy teaches healthy ways to manage symptoms and decrease mood episodes; additionally it can build support networks and develop skills necessary for dealing with stressors that can trigger episodes.

Many individuals with bipolar disorder require multiple therapies to effectively manage their symptoms. Your doctor may suggest medications such as antidepressants or mood stabilizers; you may need to try several before finding one that suits you; your symptoms often improve over time as more medicines are taken consistently.

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Stop taking medication unless advised by your physician; doing so could cause symptoms to return or worsen. People living with bipolar disorder are particularly at risk for psychotic episodes – hallucinations or delusions caused by taking too much or too little medication – but psychotherapy can teach you how to recognize warning signs for a mood shift and share this information with family and friends.

Many individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder also have additional mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), substance abuse issues, eating disorders and depression. Some with severe depression or mania also exhibit psychotic symptoms like paranoia, delusions and hallucinations – symptoms which can be frightening and disorienting; but usually do not last too long.

Your doctor may suggest other therapies, such as social rhythm therapy or interpersonal and family therapy. These approaches aim to stabilize daily routines and relationships to help regulate mood. Self-management strategies may include getting enough sleep, eating healthily and participating in physical activity – as well as refraining from drugs and alcohol consumption. If you are taking antidepressants, make sure to speak to your doctor prior to drinking alcohol or taking supplements that might interact with or cause side effects from these substances. A mental health advocacy or support group could also be useful; here you could meet other individuals with bipolar disorder and share tips for living with this condition.


Bipolar disorder patients can prevent mood episodes by becoming aware of early warning signs and taking their prescribed medication exactly as instructed. They should seek support from family and friends as well as avoiding recreational drugs or alcohol that might worsen symptoms or trigger manic episodes; take medications exactly as directed!

Bipolar personality disorder remains poorly understood, though researchers have observed physical changes to people with this condition. Researchers have discovered evidence of physical changes to people’s brains with this condition. Some people develop it due to genetic predisposition while other experience serious life events which lead to mood shifts. Bipolar often begins in late adolescence or young adulthood but sometimes starts as early as childhood and often affects women more than men – often running in families – whereas people living with bipolar can experience “rapid cycling”, experiencing four distinct mood episodes per year.

If someone close to you seems to be experiencing a bipolar episode, try staying with them without judgment and offering assistance as necessary. Encourage them to call 911 or their local emergency number, text TALK to 741741 in order to contact a crisis counselor, or if suicidality seems likely call a suicide prevention hotline immediately.

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People living with bipolar disorder require help managing their daily lives and dealing with stressors to improve quality of life. A regular schedule, healthy meals and plenty of physical activity can all help increase quality of life; meditation or relaxation techniques may be used to lower anxiety levels or keep track of moods using journals or calendars, and early warning signs such as sleeping less than usual or feeling happy or grumpy without apparent cause can all aid this effort.

Borderline personality disorder, another mental health condition characterized by mood instability and impulsive behavior, also results in severe mood swings. People affected by this condition have difficulty managing their emotions properly and tend to form chaotic relationships with others; furthermore, they might blame themselves for upsetting events in life or believe they’re insane.


Bipolar disorder affects millions of people around the world and finding support can be dauntingly overwhelming. Many find comfort in support groups and communities where they can meet other individuals with similar experiences, learn more about managing it through these networks (both offline and online), connect with people more easily, build coping strategies more quickly and gain hope about the future.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance offers in-person and online peer support groups led by others with bipolar disorder as well as trained mental health counselors and social workers, to offer emotional and educational sessions as well as newsletters, lending libraries and guidance and referrals for local services.

Help someone you care for living with bipolar disorder by encouraging them to visit a therapist as soon as possible, encouraging enough sleep, helping with daily routines and steering clear of substances or activities which might trigger episodes and encouraging time with supportive friends and family members.

As part of supporting someone with mental illness, it’s also crucial that you take good care of yourself. Coping with stress should never become overwhelming or neglected needs, and short naps throughout the day may help keep alertness levels at a maximum. Also ensure a balanced diet for yourself.

If someone in your life is experiencing a severe manic episode, they may exhibit hallucinations or other psychotic symptoms that are both terrifying for themselves and anyone close to them. This may signal it is time to discuss diagnosis or treatment with their physician – it is crucial that all relevant details be communicated openly as bipolar disorder can sometimes be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder (BPD) by healthcare providers who don’t fully understand all its symptoms.