Personalized Medicine – A scourge against disease

By: Dzhingarov

How effective is Personalized Medicine?


Personalized Medicine is an emerging practice of medicine that involves the use of new techniques of molecular analysis to diagnose, manage, and prevent, treatment of an individual’s disease. In addition to this, personalized medicine deals with the ability to envisage a person’s susceptibility to diseases. It is being promoted through data from the Human Genome Project.

Personalized medicine makes use of genetic information to stop or treat disease in elderly people or their children. Personalized medicine when integrated with personal pharmacogenetics, is ideally well-suited to the health challenges the mankind faces in the new millennium.

On the basis of variations (what they consume, the amount of stress people face, exposure to environmental factors, and their DNA) detected in human beings, personalized medicine develops safe and effectual treatments, for genetically established sub-groups of patients. The treatments are – Drug Therapy and suggesting remedial measures related to lifestyle changes that can halt the progress of a disease.

Giving lucid, specific instances of personalized diagnostics and treatments is the recommended way to highlight the importance of personalized medicine and the benefits it brings to patients. Currently, personalized medicine has its application in a variant of ailments, such as blood clots, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer.


Personalized Medicine
By Jocelyn Wallace under CC BY 2.0



Potential benefits of Personalized Medicine:

Personalized medicine has a tremendous impact on both clinical research and patient care and offers three key benefits:

  • Improved diagnoses and faster interventions: Molecular analysis has the potential to determine with preciseness which variant of an ailment an individual has, or whether a person is immune to drug toxicities to facilitate guide treatment options. For deterrent medicine, such analysis could enhance the ability to make out which persons are predisposed to exhibit a specific condition.
  • More competent drug development: A better perception of genetic variations could facilitate scientists recognize new disease subgroups or their allied molecular pathways, and design drugs that target them. Molecular analysis could aid select patients for inclusion in, or omission from, late phase clinical trials – helping securing approval for drugs that may be discarded on the grounds of ineffectiveness in the larger patient population.
  • More effective therapy treatments: In present time, physicians regularly need to use trial error to unfurl the most effective drug for each patient. As we make a progress to know about which molecular variations best envisage how a patient will respond to treatment, and develop precise and affordable tests, doctors will be able to establish which medicines yield positive results.
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Though Personalized Medicine has witnessed significant advancement in recent period, this concept is yet to pick up its momentum in the US.

On the other hand, efforts are underway to popularize this concept in a big way and employers across the world are involved in this mission. Noted employers combine with diagnostic companies and pharmaceutical companies to maintain the latest, precise information on the clinical effectiveness of personalized-medicine tests and treatments thereby informing their staff about the benefits of personalized medicine.