Six Tips to Stay Fit

By: Dzhingarov

Weight management is a major concern for many individuals. The continues growth of obesity cases has become alarming and because of this reason many people are trying to find different ways to fight the extra kilograms and to be healthy and fit. However, following weight loss regimens is not as easy as it sounds, especially with our busy schedules. How does one find ways to maintain or lose weight? These ten tips should help with your weight management goal.


1.Use every opportunity you can to exercise

There are overflowing opportunities to exercise dayly. Instead of taking the elevator, try taking the stairs. Park your car farther away and walk to the grocery store. Put the remote control of the TV in a place where you will be obliged to stand up to change channels. When talking on the phone, stand up and pace back and forth. Every movement counts when it comes to weight loss. So, grab every opportunity to move.


2.Go for a Walk

This is a great weight loss technique that is more fun when done with your kids or a dog. Walking not only helps in weight loss but builds up endurance as well. When you walk in the park, do not simply sit on the bench. Do activities with your company. Play with your children or throw balls for your dog.


3.Use exercise balls as chairs

If you have a home office, consider replacing your office chair with an exercise ball once in awhile. Since exercise balls are unstable they push core muscles to work. It is also a good idea to sit on an exercise ball while watching TV or using the computer.

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By U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jeff Hopkins ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
By U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jeff Hopkins ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

4.Cook more at home

Cooking can burn more than 130 calories per hour. This is due to the walking and standing you do when cooking. In addition, cooking can save you money because eating at home is cheaper than eating at a restaurant. Ask a family member to help you out with the preparation. This can be a great bonding moment for your family as well.


5.More time for exercise

An exercise routine needs not to take hours to be effective. When you get breaks from work, do few repetitions of push-ups, sit-ups or triceps curls. Go up and down the stairs when you have the time.

It is also a good idea to bike or hike at least once a week. Instead of driving, take out your bike and pedal your way to the grocery store. Find a nature trail in your locality and visit it every weekend. Hiking trails can be easily found on the web.


6.Read more

Reading is also known as a very effective method of burning calories. Read any time you get the chance and you will see some results.

There are plenty of weight loss tricks that you can follow to shed off unwanted pounds, but staying active is the simplest and most effective method in maintaining weight.