Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

By: Dzhingarov

Pain or tenderness in the lower abdomen or pelvic region. An abnormal vaginal discharge.

PID usually occurs through unprotected sexual contact; however, douching can also increase risk.

Your doctor will conduct a pelvic exam to detect tender spots in your uterus, tubes and anus (area around anus). They may perform tests such as pap smears, blood tests or ultrasound imaging as necessary.


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) occurs when an infection in your cervix and vagina spreads to other areas such as your uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries, leading to serious health problems including infertility. PID is caused by sexually transmitted infections such as Chlamydia or Gonorrhea that can be passed along during sexual encounters, and these bacteria can often be acquired when engaging in sexual contact with someone with these infections – these STIs can often be treated using antibiotics as well as PID being caused by similar bacteria present when engaging in sexual relations with someone with these illnesses.

If your doctor suspects PID, he or she will conduct an exam of both your cervix and pelvic region, take samples for testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as do imaging tests such as ultrasounds to look for any signs of inflammation on ovaries and tubes.

Women suffering from PID usually recover with treatment if it’s detected early, although complications may arise, including long-lasting pain or tubo-ovarian abscesses – pockets of pus that accumulate within your reproductive tract and need draining by surgery.

Since PID can spread into your bloodstream, it’s crucial that you seek medical help immediately. Otherwise, the infection could worsen and lead to irreparable health damage, including infertility.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is an extremely prevalent infection among sexually active women of reproductive age, most often caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia infections but sometimes other bacteria too. Diagnosing it may be difficult due to no single test being sensitive enough; other ways must be found.

Your doctor will prescribe medicine to treat your infection. This could involve pills, shots or both; take all prescribed medication even if symptoms dissipate; you might also require additional therapies like tubal ligation or surgery; to help avoid future episodes of PID by engaging in safe sexual practices with all sexual partners regardless of health status; ask about getting tested and treated if needed for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, often a result of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), can damage reproductive organs and lead to long-term pelvic pain or infertility if left untreated.

PID symptoms include pelvic pain and vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. If these are present for you, speak to your healthcare provider immediately; they may recommend a pelvic exam to check for tenderness in the uterus, tubes and ovaries as well as taking a sample from either vagina or cervix with a swab for testing against Chlamydia and Gnorrhea, two common STDs which may cause PID. Swab tests typically take several days for results to appear.

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IF the swab test comes back positive, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to combat any infections present. You should notify all sexual partners you’ve had within two months who also must be given this same antibiotic treatment; additional tests such as pelvic ultrasounds or CT scans might be done as well to confirm if other factors might be responsible.

Your healthcare provider may need to perform a procedure called culdocentesis, in which a needle will be inserted through your vagina into your pelvic cavity to obtain a sample of pus. They might also suggest laparoscopy; here, a thin tube equipped with camera and light is inserted into your abdomen in order to better assess uterus, tubes and ovaries.

Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat PID. They may offer various combinations, depending on what they think is causing your infection, to address all potential sources. They may ask that you keep taking the drugs even after symptoms have subsided so the infection doesn’t resurface and lead to further issues. They might even suggest follow-up appointments so they can monitor whether treatment is working and that all infections have completely cleared away; in severe cases you might need hospital admission and intravenous (IV) antibiotics as a form of support.


Most cases of PID can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Your doctor will likely prescribe an array of pills and may administer an intravenous or IV injection; treatment typically lasts 14 days. Even if symptoms begin to abate early on, taking all prescribed antibiotics until completed will ensure the infection has been eradicated fully and sexual activity postponed until taking all your medicine is finished and any potential sexual partners have received necessary treatments – otherwise further infections may arise from sexual contact during this timeframe.

PID is typically caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Women and men of childbearing age, particularly younger women, are at particular risk due to having unprotected sexual encounters. Bacteria such as Chlamydia, Mycoplasma Genitalium and Gonorrhoea can infiltrate the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries and lead to long-term health consequences such as scarring of fallopian tubes and infertility that could even threaten future pregnancies.

Diagnosing PID begins by reviewing your medical history, symptoms and conducting a pelvic exam. Your physician will ask about your sexual history and may take samples of vaginal fluid or cervical mucus from inside of vagina or cervix for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Other tests, like pelvic ultrasound or CT scan, may also help pinpoint pain sources while looking out for signs of infection, like abscesses (collections of pus).

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Care should be sought immediately if symptoms become severe, or you experience an ectopic pregnancy or tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA), as if left untreated they could lead to permanent damage of reproductive organs.

PID can typically be treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline, metronidazole or tetracycline; your doctor should prescribe these as soon as the results of your swabs are known to begin working immediately. Pregnant women should inform their healthcare provider prior to beginning any course of antibiotics; some should not be taken during gestation due to possible risks from certain antibiotics. It’s also a good idea to inform recent sexual partners that might have caused your PID as they may require treatment for STIs that contributed to it preventing their PID from happening again.


Recently, attention has been directed at the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) that lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This includes screening asymptomatic individuals for STIs, prompt treatment of those diagnosed, and follow-up care that prevents PID. More sensitive diagnostic tests and antibiotics have also helped with early diagnosis and treatment; thus lowering long-term risks like infertility considerably.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, more commonly known as PID, is caused by a bacterial infection in the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries and usually results from sexually transmitted or nonsexually transmitted infections. PID can be serious and is frequently misdiagnosed or inadequately treated; scar tissue formation makes pregnancy harder down the line while its rupture increases risk for an ectopic pregnancy (one outside the uterus).

PID symptoms resemble those associated with many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. While most often acquired via unprotected sexual encounter, PID infections may also arise when the normal protection provided by the cervix becomes disrupted – for instance during menstruation, childbirth, abortion or miscarriage.

If you experience symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), including painful urination and vaginal discharge with an offensive smell, seek medical advice as soon as possible to ensure prompt treatment can help to avoid pelvic inflammatory disease.

Doctors can diagnose PID by reviewing your medical history and performing a pelvic exam, which typically includes taking samples to be sent off to laboratories for testing against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as ordering imaging tests like ultrasound that examine your uterus and fallopian tubes for signs of infection. Your physician will likely prescribe antibiotics that usually last 14 days; make sure all antibiotics are taken as directed while also waiting until all sexual partners have also been treated before engaging in sexual activity again.