Herbal Remedies To Use When You Have An Overactive Bladder

By: Dzhingarov

Treatments for overactive bladders are much more impressive now than they used to be. You no longer have to worry about the problems that exist and you can live a great life. Modern medicine brought together various treatment options but if you are looking for herbal options, you should be aware of the fact that many are documented and can offer great results. In fact, scientific studies did highlight this fact. Just make sure that you talk with urologists first since the herbal remedies mentioned below can end up interacting with medication.



This is a really well-researched herbal remedy for people that suffer from bladder problems. It is basically a combination of various herbs. Japanese studies highlighted that the herbal remedy improved urinary frequency, life quality, night time urination and urgency. Bladder contraction numbers are reduced and bladder capacity is increased.

Barosma Betulina – Buchu

Barosma Betulina – Buchu

This is one herbal remedy that has been used by South Africans for hundreds of years. It was used for various kidney and bladder infections. The main reason why it helps is that there are strong anti inflammatory properties, together with diuretic and antibacterial properties. Overall urinary system health is improved, thus being beneficial for all people.



Similarly to many of the herbal remedies on this list for overactive bladder problems, this is a herb that not many know about. Cleavers have been used in numerous herbal remedy treatments, especially for urinary problems, mostly because of the diuretic effect that appears. To make everything even better, we have soothing advantages associated with the condition.

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Horsetail is a fern relative that is older than 400 millions of years. The plant acts as a really useful diuretic that has antioxidant and anti inflammatory benefits. You will want to use it in order to treat bladder stones, kidney stones, incontinence and urinary tract infections. Even if we do not have much scientific research done, many do say that this is a great herbal remedy to consider if you suffer from overactive bladders.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto


Many studies highlighted the fact that saw palmetto helps deal with many urinary symptoms. This is especially the case with men that have enlarged prostate glands. The only problem is that doctors are not actually aware of the way in which this plant works. Many think that the advantage is offered by the fact that it can fight inflammation while also affecting testosterone levels in the body.