Early Osteoarthritis Signs And Symptoms To Be Aware Of

By: Dzhingarov

Most people that live long lives end up being affected by osteoarthritis to some degree. This is a degenerative joint pain that appears because of wear and tear that is present at the joint level. When people age, we have the cartilage cushioning the joints wearing down. Due to this bones end up rubbing together, thus leading to joint inflammation. The immediate result is pain.

Osteoarthritis (commonly referred to as OA) will normally affect joints present in the legs and the arms but this can also include other areas like wrists, ankles, hips, knees and fingers. Lower back regions can also show signs of discomfort and pain that are caused by osteoarthritis.

One of the most important things that you have to understand about this condition is that it cannot really be avoided. The only thing that you can do is to be weary of early signs that you might be suffering from OA. The really common ones are highlighted below.

General Pains And Aches

Early arthritis pain is normally classified as being tenderness in specific regions. It is possible to have a sharp pain when you move a joint that is affected to some degree, like when you open jars with fingers that are arthritic. Felt discomfort as pressing down on your joint is what is perceived as tenderness. Sometimes, swelling appears.

Joints That Are Stiff

In most situations joint stiffness will be followed by joint pain. The stiffness is normal based on what doctors are saying and is more common during the mornings when you get out of bed or following long periods of sitting at a desk. This is one of the most common of the early OA signs. You will feel sluggish and in most situations you actually end up feeling a lot better as the joints are warmed up and you start to move a little. That is why gentle exercising is necessary.

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Abnormal Area Sensations

It is normal to end up feeling some abnormal sensations in the areas that are affected. Cartilage needs to be shock absorber and that is what will help the joint to smoothly move. As soon as cartilage wears down, bones will rub right against other bones. Abnormal sensations are caused by this. It is possible to hear or feel joints cracking or clicking as you are moving.

Loss Of Flexibility

People that are faced with an early stage of osteoarthritis will notice that when they move an affected area, the process becomes difficult. Because of joint pain and stiffness, flexibility loss also appears. It is something that is commonly referred to as range of motion loss. You will notice that the joints cannot be moved in their fill pattern and the range of motion is drastically reduced. Extending the knee or bending it should be in regular range of motion. Those suffering from arthritis normally see that they cannot bend their knees as much as they could in the past.

Symptoms Appearing At One Time Of Day

In the event that you see joint stiffness, tenderness and pain being limited to a specific time of day, you may be suffering from an early stage of osteoarthritis. As a simple example, the hip may hurt after you sit down at the office for a longer period of time. The back can be stiff the following day. When arthritis progresses, achy joints appear even as you are resting.