Does God Approve of Wealth?

By: Dzhingarov

A lot of people struggle with the idea of wealth and decide that perhaps we should live a simple life devoted to God. But what does the bible say about wealth? This article will explore some of the concepts in the bible about creating wealth so you can make your own opinion.

Bible Extracts

There are lots of extracts in the bible that contain teachings about money and wealth, and some may surprise you.

Matthew 6:24 states that you cannot serve God and Money, and Timothy 6:17 states that you should be generous with your wealth.

Generally speaking, many bible extracts speak of money becoming the focus of your life as a negative thing, but if you’re willing to share your abundance and use it to help others then it can be a positive thing in your relationship with God and bringing you closer to your religion.

Philippians 4:19 also states that God will supply all your needs, so if you find yourself in a place of abundance then this denotes that it was God’s will.

Wealth is not something to be feared as bad or sinful; it is a tool that can be used to help many others, and sharing abundance is a beautiful thing, since a lot of good can be done with financial prosperity.

How Can I Make More Money to Help Others?

If you are looking for ways to help your family, meet your own financial needs and help others with excess abundance, then you can have faith and do this too.

Deuteronomy 8:18 “But Remember the Lord Your God, for it is he that gives you the ability to produce wealth.”

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You could start by getting an additional job or starting a business, for example freelancing, delivering, or selling handmade items on Etsy. These are all ways to bring in some extra money.

However, if you’re looking for abundance and wealth which will allow you to help people on a larger scale, then investing may be a good option for you.

Investing in stocks, forex or other financial markets takes time to learn, but some beginner steps would be as follows:

  1. Learn the basics – You wouldn’t go into a professional job without first learning the ropes, and investing is no different. have some great beginners’ courses to help you learn the very basics of trading.
  2. Download your trading platform – A platform download should be your next step as it will allow you to open a demo account and begin practicing what you have learnt so far. (Never risk real money until you are profitable on demo).
  3. Journal – you should journal every trade you make, including why you entered and exited, how you were feeling and how the trade played out. This will allow you to improve your trading system as you move forward.
  4. When ready, go live! Once you have established a profitable trading system, you can the confidently trade live and share your abundance with those that need help.

Abundance and wealth, while it can create negative traits in people, doesn’t have to be that way. If you use wealth for good and to help thy neighbor, it can be a beautiful thing, and God himself gives us the ability to create wealth.

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