Common Psychological Diseases

By: Dzhingarov

Psychological disease refers to any pattern of thinking, emotion or behavior which is disabling and not typical within their culture or society. Treatment options often include psychotherapy and medication while certain conditions require procedures like ECT or vagus nerve stimulation for best results.

Medicine has traditionally divided diseases into those which impact both the mind (psyche) and body (soma). Psychosomatic disorders complicate this distinction by disrupting this dichotomy.


Depression can have devastating effects on a person’s emotions, moods and outlook on life. Physical symptoms associated with it include loss of appetite, headaches or stomach problems – their severity can range depending on severity, duration and interference with daily activities. Although its exact causes remain unknown, research shows an imbalance of brain chemicals plays a part. Life events or illnesses may trigger depression; while certain genetic predispositions make certain people more prone than others to experiencing its effects; its prevalence runs in families as well. If drug and alcohol abuse runs in your family tree then the chances increase of having this illness rise significantly.

Depression is an extremely prevalent mental health condition that can strike at any age. The causes can range from genetics, family history of mental disorders, environmental conditions and difficulties such as long-term unemployment or living in an abusive relationship; to ongoing issues like long-term unemployment or being part of an abusive relationship. People living with chronic pain are especially prone to becoming depressed.

Depression’s causes may be complex, yet effective treatments do exist. Psychotherapy, medication and other methods may help manage symptoms and help keep them away – for instance cognitive behavioral therapy as a form of talk therapy, and antidepressants are just two effective solutions available; many individuals respond well to antidepressants while for some there are alternative solutions such as transcranial magnetic stimulation or intranasal ketamine spray that could provide relief.

People living with depression can supplement traditional medical treatment with self-care to alleviate symptoms. For instance, they should eat healthy food and get sufficient sleep while also avoiding drugs and alcohol that worsen the disorder. It is also beneficial for them to spend time with friends and participate in social activities that bring joy.

Depression can have a devastating impact on individuals’ lives, forcing them to quit their jobs, experience financial issues and have difficulty caring for their children. Furthermore, its negative repercussions extend to society at large: people diagnosed with depression are more likely to die sooner than those without.


Schizophrenia is one of the most debilitating psychological diseases, leading to an extreme disconnection with reality in various degrees, manifested as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and other symptoms that range from hearing, seeing or feeling things that don’t exist (hallucinations) to thinking others are reading your mind or plotting against you (delusions), hearing voices from nowhere (auditory hallucinations) or seeing people who don’t exist (hallucinations) — affect millions worldwide. Typically starting during adolescence/young adulthood it will progress into late adulthood before finally showing itself years later on; millions in America alone; millions worldwide suffer with this serious life-long illness with no known cure affecting millions worldwide. It usually starts during late adolescence/young adulthood lasting several decades longer before manifesting itself either later on (usually starting during late adolescence/young adulthood), or could occur much earlier (early childhood/middle age), hearing/seeing/feeling things not there (hallucinations), thinking others are reading your mind/ploting against you (delusions) and hearing voices you don’t hear (auditory hallucinations).

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No one knows for certain what causes schizophrenia; however, genetics, environment and brain chemicals may all play a part. Researchers continue their investigations of what leads to symptoms appearing and how best to diagnose it with tests like brain scans.

People living with schizophrenia may struggle with communicating, expressing emotions and socializing effectively with others. Furthermore, they tend to lose interest in daily activities, become unmotivated and sometimes very anxious; their thoughts often make no sense or bounce from one topic to the next with no clear progression; furthermore they cannot be trusted with caretaking for themselves or their homes and often struggle in finding and keeping jobs.

Even with the social stigma attached to mental illness, most people with schizophrenia do not commit suicide; however they are two to three times more likely than non-schizophrenia sufferers to die prematurely from medical complications related to their illness or poverty and discrimination that limit access to general healthcare, housing or employment opportunities.

As soon as psychotic symptoms surface, it is crucial that those suffering from schizophrenia receive appropriate treatment immediately. According to estimates, receiving prompt and excellent care during their first episode significantly increases chances of managing and preventing future episodes. Combining medications and psychotherapy treatments such as family interventions, support groups or psychoeducation can help manage symptoms effectively as well as teach individuals how to identify and manage them themselves. Vocational rehabilitation or supported employment are also effective means of improving independence and quality of life.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar Disorder, more commonly referred to as manic depression, causes fluctuations in mood and energy levels ranging from extreme highs or lows. It’s difficult to live with and can wreak havoc with relationships. People suffering from bipolar may also experience episodes of feeling elated, confident, and overly enthusiastic known as Mania; experiencing grandiose thoughts with feelings of invincibility that cause difficulty sleeping as well as engaging in behaviors which might break from reality such as delusions or hallucinations.

Hypomanic episodes, where highs are milder and less intense than their counterpart mania episodes, may still cause thinking and behavioral difficulties; however, symptoms won’t be as extreme.

Depression can be severely debilitating, and those living with it are prone to suicidal thoughts or attempts. If someone you know is having these episodes, stay with them to ensure their safety; call 911 or your local emergency number immediately if there are threats made against themselves or others, take them directly to hospital in a crisis situation, etc.

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If your friend or family member has attempted suicide, it is imperative that they visit a psychiatrist immediately. There are a variety of treatments that may reduce severity and frequency of episodes such as antidepressants, sedatives and lithium. Talk therapy may also be useful as well as finding support groups made up of others with bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder treatment options also include electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Health care providers may use repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) sessions to alleviate severe depression over several sessions of treatment.

Bipolar disorder affects individuals of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations; though research shows it to be more prevalent among certain sexes and can run in families. Although believed to have genetic origins, certain events or stresses can trigger episodes.


Anxiety disorders cause persistent, excessive fear or worry that often interferes with daily life and is hard on families and friends. Generalized anxiety disorder is the most prevalent anxiety condition; people suffering from it tend to worry excessively about various daily situations; they might have difficulty sleeping, become fatigued quickly and experience muscle tension.

Psychotherapy involving discussing thoughts and emotions with a mental health specialist can help manage anxiety symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), in particular, teaches individuals to recognize maladaptive thoughts that cause fear. CBT also equips them with skills for handling stressful situations more easily. When combined with other forms of therapy such as relaxation techniques or exposure therapy, CBT becomes even more beneficial.

Some individuals struggling with anxiety disorders could benefit from joining an online or in-person support group for sharing experiences and finding encouragement, as well as using medication to manage symptoms.

Genes can often play a significant role in the onset of anxiety disorders. Life experiences, such as being exposed to trauma, may also trigger anxiety in susceptible people. Furthermore, medication such as tranquilizers, sedatives or certain antidepressants may worsen anxiety symptoms in some individuals.

People living with anxiety often struggle to seek assistance because they do not view their problems as being serious, or believe they do not require treatment. Instead, they might try to hide their anxieties from others and avoid social or work situations which cause anxiety – something which could wreak havoc with relationships as well as make it more challenging to secure jobs or live independently.

Many people living with anxiety disorders aren’t aware that their symptoms can be treated. Even those seeking treatment might not find relief as they don’t understand which medications work for them, fear disclosing their illness due to stigma, financial limitations or difficulty accessing mental health services are among other potential obstacles to effective care.