How To Choose Skin Care Products For Dry Skin

By: Dzhingarov

Dry skin is problematic and there are a lot more that struggle with this than you may believe. The big problem is a clear lack of information about dry skin. Because of this, we will not recommend specific skin care products for dry skin. However, we will stay focused on telling you what you have to know in order to fix dry skin.

Why Do You Have Dry Skin?

Dry skin appears as the skin’s outer layers will lose their natural ability to hold control moisture levels. This is usually due to sun damage or because of the use of skin care products that include drying or irritating ingredients. Areas of the body that are not affected by sun will rarely be dry.

dry skin

Fixing Dry Skin

When you have dry skin, you need to repair your skin with barrier-repairing ingredients. The goal is to make your skin be able to sustain healthy water balance. You need to stop the outer layer damaging by simply avoiding the following:

  • Bar form soap
  • Hot water exposures
  • Loofahs
  • Abrasive scrubs
  • Irritating ingredients in skin care products (mint, menthol, fragrance, alcohol and so on)
  • Harsh cleansing ingredients

You will also need to make sure that the chosen skin care products for dry skin actually include what it needs in order to help you gain back the naturalness it lacks. You do this by:

  • Using dry skin moisturizers – Your moisturizer needs to include plenty antioxidants, various ingredients to help your skin hold water, anti-inflammatory ingredients and skin-repairing ingredients. Also, the moisturizer should not have jar or clear packaging.
  • Always wear sunscreen – this includes the winter.
  • Use pure plant oils – This is important for skin that is really dry. Examples include jojoba seed oil and olive oil. Apply right after the moisturizer on areas that are dry.
  • Exfoliate – Your skin most likely needs help with exfoliating. Choose a formula that includes BHA or AHA.
  • Lip care counts – The lips are not normally capable of remaining soft and smooth. Never leave them naked throughout the day or even during the night. Emollient gloss or lipstick is recommended.
  • Avoid harmful skin care product ingredients
  • Avoid exposure to bad conditions – This means that you need to avoid constant exposure to cold weather, heaters, air conditioners or dry environments. If necessary, add a humidifier at home.
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Water And Dry Skin Care

Besides choosing skin care products for dry skin with the right ingredients, you also need to pay close attention to water intake, or do you? Contrary to what you may have been told, your dry skin will not be reduce or improved when you increase water consumption.

Treating dry skin is not as easy as drinking at least 8 glasses of water every single day. It is obvious that you have to be careful with water intake as that is necessary for overall health but if you have dry skin, you will need well formulated dry skin care products. There is basically no way around that because your skin can no longer maintain proper water levels. It needs help. If you really want to perform a change in your lifestyle, try to reduce or eliminate caffeine and alcohol intake.