Bug Bites – Home Remedies To Consider

By: Boris Dzhingarov

Bug bites are not at all pleasant to deal with, especially since most people do not know anything about them. People that hate bugs are much more common than what you might think. By bugs we basically mean all possible insects or invertebrates that are similar to insects and that sting or bite.

There are people that are highly susceptible to bug bites. If you are among them, information is really important. Here is everything you need to know about bug bites and home remedies you can consider if you are unlucky enough to be bitten by one of those nasty insects.

Bug Bite Symptoms

Generally, most of the bug bites are just annoyances. The most common symptoms that you were bit by a bug are mild burning, redness, itching, pain and localized minor swelling. These are symptoms that usually last for around one day. Then, they disappear. However, sometimes they do not.

You can get bitten by various different critters, including fleas, bedbugs, mosquitos, ants, lice, chiggers, non-poisonous spiders and mites. Stings or bites coming from hornets, wasps, fire ants, bees, some of the spiders and yellow jackets will produce symptoms that can easily range from just mild to highly severe.

Infection And Bug Bites

In many cases the problem with the bug bite is not the actual bite. This includes flies, ticks, kissing bugs and mosquitos. The problem with these bites is that there are infectious agents that will be transmitted through the bite, including viruses, parasites and bacteria. These can cause diseases. Obviously, there is much to be said about these topics so you could easily find such information online if you needed it. When thinking about most people and most situations, the problems are much easier to treat. Here is what you should know about treating the majority of bug bites with simple home solutions.

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Bug Bite Treatment

No matter what you might think, the very best way to treat the bug bites is to simply avoid getting bitten in the first place. What you absolutely have to do is to wear shirts with sleeves and long pants when you go to an area where bug bites might appear. Insect repellent is also needed. During both spring and summer months we see people that do not follow the guidelines so it is very easy to be stung or bitten.

If you do get bitten by a bug or you see someone that might have been bitten, the first things you have to do are:

  • Check the bite mark and see what bug caused it, like ants, bees and mosquitos.
  • Get away in order to avoid further stings or bites.

After you identify the bite mark, you want to take more steps, like:

  • When there is a stinger that is stuck inside the skin, you want to remove it. Do so by scraping it out, brushing or pulling. You can use fine brushes, tape, credit cards and even tweezers since stingers are normally not going deep inside the skin.
  • If it is possible to kill or capture the bug without putting anyone in danger, do so. This helps identify the critter.
  • Wash the bite or sting area with the use of water and mild soap.

How To Reduce Pain And Swelling

Different home remedies are possible. Obviously, it is important to be careful but some ideas include:

  • If you need to reduce pain and swelling fast, ice packs can be used. Wrap them in towels and directly apply to the area of the sting or bite. Alternatively, you can use bags of corn and frozen peas instead of the ice.
  • You can use ibuprofen or acetaminophen as over-the-counter medications. They can reduce pain. Try to avoid aspirin if the person bit is a child because this can lead to Reye’s syndrome.
  • If you have problems with itching you can take diphenhydramine.
  • A watery mixture or paste that is based on baking soda can be topically applied in order to reduce itching. Creams or calamine lotion that include hydrocortisone or agents similar to lidocaine can reduce pain and itching.
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