Basic Things You Need To Know About Brain Waves

By: Dzhingarov

The brain waves are quite interesting and most people from around the world do not know much about them. They are generated by neurons, which communicate with one another through electrical charges. These charges are visible through an EEG (electroencephalogram).


Brain Waves
Image courtesy of [Salvatore Vuono] /

Brain Activity And Brain Waves

We can measure the brainwaves as Hertz (Hz), which is basically cycles per second. There is also frequency. If HZ number is low, brain activity is also slow or activity frequency is low. We have 4 types of brain waves that exist:

  • Beta waves – they appear when thinking actively or solving problems – 13 to 38 Hz
  • Alpha waves – they appear when you are calm and relaxed – 8 to 13 Hz
  • Theta waves – they are linked to deep relaxation, visualization or sleeping – 4 to 7 Hz
  • Delta waves – they happen during sleep – Under 4 Hz
  • Gamma waves – they appear when we have a higher mental activity – 39 to 100 Hz

Regular brain activity is basically a mix of the different wave types mentioned above. The only difference is that in some cases you have more waves of one kind when compared with the others. With this in mind, balance is what counts the most at the end of the day.

Achieving Brain Wave Balance!

Optimal brain functioning is offered through resilience and flexibility. Through flexibility we mean that we can shift activities or ideas when they are necessary. This is what happens all throughout the day. When we are faced with a certain pattern getting stuck or we cannot shift the wave types to meet life demands, problems appear. For instance, when you are faced with brain injury, the organ automatically tries to slow down and if it remains slow, it can get stuck in such frequencies.

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Resilience is something that can be defined as getting back from a negative event. Our brain needs to sometimes bounce back when something unhealthy happens (lack of sleep, smoking, drinking and so on). It can only remain effective when we have high resilience.

What Do We Know Now About Brain Wave Activity?

The brain has to be flexible and needs to be resilient at the end of the day. In order to achieve this, it basically needs to be faced with various brain states and access to a variety of feelings. EEGs can measure activity patterns. The main option that is used to measure resilience and flexibility these days is EEG biofeedback.

For general wellness purposes and health reasons, all brain wave types have to exist. Our brain needs to have suitable resilience and flexibility so that whatever happens during the day, we are going to make the correct choice.

Reasons Why Brain Waves Are Not Balanced

The main reasons why an imbalance in brain waves appears are the following:

  • Stress
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Emotional distress
  • Alcohol
  • Medications
  • Injury

It is possible to get stuck in specific brain behavior patterns and it is very hard to get out of this. However, what counts the most at the end of the day is to understand the resilience and flexibility of brain waves, together with their importance.