Alternative Medicine Methods To Lower Blood Pressure

By: Dzhingarov

One of the most commune diseases these days is heart attack. The heart attack is caused when blood flow blocks a part of the heart destroying a part of the heart muscle. Some commune symptoms are: chest pain, some kind of discomfort that travels into shoulder, arm and back. The discomfort last for a few minutes and it can be easily located in the left side. After that it usually appears a feel like heartburn. A lot of people die annually from a heart attack because your lifestyle affects directly your heart and your blood pressure. If you know that you are suffering of hypertension you should be very careful and you must keep it under control. You can do this by the traditional method: with medication from your doctor; but if you are allergic or you just don’t like taking pills, the nature gives you some alternatives:


Aaron Tait Photography

Basil is a green, delicious herb that matches very well with many types of food. It was shown that basil lower your blood pressure, even though it’s only briefly. If you have an easy case of hypertension or you are just much stressed and you want to prevent any kind of blood pressure problems you can just add basil to your diet. You can put it your salads, soup or your pizza sauce. Basil can, also, relax you because you can plant it your kitchen garden and the gardening will calm you down.



Everybody knows that cinnamon adds a little spice to our life but how many knew that this helps in your blood pressure troubles too? Now, if you are suffering of hypertension caused by diabetes cinnamon is the nectar of the Gods for you. Add cinnamon in your daily routine by sprinkling it on your breakfast pancakes, cereals or even in your coffee. For other meals you can try flavor your stir fries or stews with it.

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A great gift bought from the mysterious India is a seasoning called cardamom. It is usually used in South Asian food and studies say that it has a lot of health effect if you use its powder daily for several months. You might want to add cardamom seeds in your salads, stews or soups for a delicious spicy flavor and a positive effect on your blood pressure.



Garlic is one of the most communes seasoning that you can put in your food. But it obviously does more that flavor your food and your breath. Garlic relaxes and dilates your vessels and that causes a decrease of your blood pressure by letting your blood flow freely. You can add garlic in almost every favorite recipe of yours. If you don’t like the taste of raw garlic you can roast it first. The strong taste will ameliorate but the benefits will remain the same. And in worst case, you are “garlic intolerant” you can get it in a supplement form.



For thousands of years, in traditional Chinese medicine Hawthorn is used for lowering the blood pressure in your body. Hawthorne is an herbal plant that has a whole package of health benefits in its decortications. It can be used in cardiovascular health or in the prevention of clot forming or even to increase your blood circulation. It can be consumed in teas, liquid extract or you can take pills.

Celery Seed

Celery Seed

Most of savory dishes are seasoned with seeds from an herbal plant called celery. It is also known from ancient China just like Hawthorn, and studies also shown that it’s effective on hypertension. To lower your blood pressure you can use only the seeds or you can make a juice out of the whole plant. Celery has a diuretic effect and that explain why it is good on circulatory disease. You can consume it in soups or stews too.

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French Lavender

French Lavender

Lavender is most popular for its magical perfume and for its beautiful color, but few people know that its perfume induces relaxation of the whole body. You also have to know that a cup of lavender tea lower you blood pressure. Even though not many people fancy lavender on a culinary perspective you might try to use the flowers in backed goods or in the way that you would use rosemary.

Cat’s Claw

Cat’s Claw

The last but not the least is the Cat’s Claw. Like almost every plant that is used in alternative medicine, Cat’s Claw comes from the Orient. As you might figure it out, this plant was used by Chinese people for treating hypertension and neurological problems. For hypertension, the specialists say that it’s effective because it acts on calcium channels from your cells, which is good in lowering your high blood pressure. Many health food stores should be able to provide you Cat’s Claw supplements.

Now if go through all of this, you might want to reconsider your choices about the kind of treatment you want to follow. It is important to keep a balanced diet too. Try to reduce the stress level and to follow a strict treatment schedule even though it is made of plants. You have to keep in mind that a naturist treatment might take longer until you see the effects but on a long term is more effective and it won’t affect your other internal organs just like your stomach or your liver. If the situation won’t ameliorate after a few moths you should definitely go and consult a doctor and follow his instructions but you can also continue with the naturist alternative methods too, they definitely won’t do you any harm, they will just increase the effect of the other medications. Don’t forget that heart and circulation disease are very serious issues and you should never forget that.