Drinks You Have To Avoid For A Flat Stomach

By: Boris Dzhingarov

Getting those six abs is difficult. A flat stomach is much more difficult to get than what you may believe. It takes a lot of work, exercising and proper nutrition. You have to focus on this every single day.

In order to get that flat stomach, you have to reduce the intake of various foods. This is the topic that is basically covered on most health blogs out there. The problem is that nutrient intake also includes drinks. What you drink is really important and the following drinks need to be avoided at all costs.



We are not saying that you cannot drink a beer from time to time with friends but constant intake is bad for your wishes to have a flat stomach. That is because alcohol includes empty calories. One night of drinking with your friends will lead towards an intake of thousands of calories that are empty. They will not be burned by your body. The extra calories will end up stored under the form of fat. In many situations the fat accumulates on the stomach. To make matters even worse, alcohol will increase appetite and will make you want to eat more, usually creating cravings for junk food.



Carbonated drinks and soda are so popular at the moment. They can be refreshing and taste great but they will sabotage your wish to get that flat stomach area. Diet and regular soda stop you from burning that extra belly fat. That is mainly due to the fact that regular soda includes sugar. This leads to more intake of bad calories. Diet soda does not have calories but the chemicals that are included will cause stomach bloating and will increase appetite.

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Energy And Sports Drinks

Energy And Sports Drinks

Athletes use them but if you really want a flat stomach, you do not want to consume them. These drinks have more nutrients added but you will locate exactly the same minerals and vitamins in foods that are low-calorie. If you really want to have a flat stomach, you need to remain hydrated and use water instead of these popular sports drinks. Water does not have calories, sodium or preservatives.

Fruit Juice

Fruit Juice

This drink will come as a surprise for many because it includes nutritional vitamins. The problem is that there is a lack of fibers and high sugar present. This basically means that appetite is not reduced in a similar way to what happens when you eat fresh fruits. You end up consuming more calories, leading towards increased body fat. In the event that you really love fruit juice, make sure that you only opt for the juice that is 100% made out of fruits. All added sweetener drinks are bad.

Coffee Shop Drinks

Coffee Shop Drinks

They taste good and so many love them but drinks like frappuchino, cappuccino or lattes have so many calories you want to avoid. The specialty coffee usually has around 500 calories more than black coffee, which is rich in antioxidant content and calorie free. Use skimmed milk if you do not love your coffee fat. If you add flavored syrup, whipped cream, heavy cream and or any extras, you are faced with a calorie filled bomb that stops you from getting a flat stomach.