Cystitis Home Remedies Based On Cranberries

By: Boris Dzhingarov

Bladder infection is a serious health condition that needs to be properly treated. The good news is that there are numerous effective home remedies that have proven effects to help you win against battle against cystitis and its negative health effects. Using the right natural remedies for bladder infection can actually bring noticeable results on the table and help you prevent repeated bouts after curing the infection. Even when using antibiotics as prescribed by your doctors it is still recommended to combine this treatment with herbal ones for achieving better results for long periods of time. Number one recommendation in this case is cranberry juice. It has been used by women around the world and it has proven to be highly effective. Let’s discover why.

Cranberries: Useful Treatment against Cystitis

Cranberry juice is a well-known remedy with proven results for preventing and treating painful bladder infections. Numerous women around the world have experienced the healing powers of this herbal remedy for many years. Moreover, cranberry does not only help cure bladder infections but also prevents outbreaks in the future which means that once you follow the treatment correctly, what awaits you is a long period of time without pain or infections.

If you have ever asked yourself why cranberry juice can be so effective when dealing with cystitis you should know that the answer relies on its contained substances. Cranberries include proanthocyanidins, special substances with proven effects to keep bacteria from reaching the wall of the bladder. Also great about cranberries is that, unlike other products that also include this type of substances, they contain just the perfect amount for the human body so as to keep it well-preserved.

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Biological Explanations for Cranberry Juice Effects

The number of reviews of studies that have been published in the last few years found that all products that include cranberries can actually reduce the risk of getting infected especially in the form of juice when drank twice a day. Juice is more effective that cranberry supplements because the active substances are easier to absorb this way.

Numerous trials have been done by specialists trying to discover the secret behind the magical effects women have experienced while drinking cranberry juice. All studies have had the main purpose of analyzing not only the effects of cranberry in general but also whether cranberry juice is more or less efficient that cranberry supplements or other treatments.

They revealed that what women have said for years is actually true and biologically tested: the juice is mostly recommended against cystitis because the useful substances from cranberries are much easier to absorb this way. So the results will be obtained almost immediately and you can say goodbye to infections in no time.

Taking all of the above mentioned aspects into account, we can now all understand how cranberry juice has become the most popular natural remedy against cystitis for women around the world. Next time you find yourself dealing with a bladder infections, just try it out and see what happens.