Continuum Movement Overview

By: Boris Dzhingarov

The Continuum Movement is one of the body movement techniques that are used at the moment by people that look for alternatives to help them get in shape and stay in touch with their spiritual sides. We are basically referring to a movement therapy that is advertised as being great for those that want to invigorate their life through new thinking ways, movement and an overall different way to live.

Continuum is usually referred to without the “movement” addition. It is a process through which a person experiences interconnections with origins in life at its core, starting with the first of the cells and then going towards complete human form. This is a movement therapy that revolutionized and pioneered how somatics is seen in education, health, physical fitness, spirituality, creativity and relationship.

continuum movement art

The human system basically sums up to a communication network that is established from within the body. This body movement techniques will use movement, sound resonance, breathing dexterity and meaning value in order to refine and amplify far reaching communication coming from deep within the soul, connecting with others.

In life, we are constantly faced with various problems, mainly originating from the constraints that we have. These constraints will mute the innate responses and will dull creative intelligence, together with growth. The immediate result is immobility, depression, illness and even isolation. Continuum movement practitioners use movement practices and sound practices in order to welcome liberation at any point of view.

One thing that many do not understand is that an organism’s vitality and health is all directed to the ability to redefine structure. The aim in this case is to basically deconstruct and to then enhance. You do not follow a postures system that is fixed or exercises that are formalized. Continuum movement is all about discovering yourself, bringing in the following benefits, according to practitioners:

  • Offering a well-being spacious sense.
  • Increases health, healing and vitality.
  • Revitalizes skeletal health, joints and bones.
  • Develops flexible power and core strength.
  • Realigns, relaxes and releases the body.
  • Awakens individual creativity, play and innovation.
  • Sensuality is heightened while receptivity is increased
  • Spiritual connection is deepened.
  • Trust in your own body is facilitated.
  • A safe environment for renewal and growth is offered.
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