Carnivore Diet Supplements

By: Boris Dzhingarov

Carnivore diet followers rely on animal foods for protein, B vitamins, iron, zinc and essential fatty acids. Supplementation may be needed in certain areas such as Vitamin C and Omega-3 fatty acids as well as calcium (in non-dairy-consuming carnivores) and magnesium to ensure their nutrient profiles remain balanced.

Supplements may help ease the transition to a healthy diet, protect health and fill nutritional gaps.

Vitamin C

Carnivore diets require supplementation to ensure proper nutrient balance and fill any dietary gaps, with vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and zinc being particularly essential for overall good health. Liquid mineral drops can make sure you meet all your mineral needs easily!

At first, people embarking on a carnivore diet may experience digestive discomfort as their diet shifts away from plant-based foods that could alter bowel movements – some individuals may suffer from diarrhea while others experience constipation. To ease the transition process and ensure smooth transitioning into this lifestyle change, lipases and proteases, enzymes which break down fat and protein molecules into digestible components should be consumed in combination.

Supplementing with these nutrients may also be used to combat symptoms of scurvy, an often-unavoidable consequence of following a carnivorous diet. By taking high-quality organ supplements sourced from grass-fed animals, supplementation will ensure adequate amounts of vitamin C is delivered into the body.

Magnesium is an essential electrolyte, used by our bodies for various biological processes. Involved in over 300 biochemical reactions and important for bone formation, blood pressure regulation and muscle function support. Most people need about 400mg daily; carnivore diet followers should consider taking a supplement that contains potassium and calcium along with magnesium for maximum effectiveness.

As part of their transition to a carnivore diet, women may need to increase their iron consumption to maintain hormonal equilibrium during menstruation and balance. Men should keep an eye on their zinc consumption since diet can influence testosterone production. If possible, vitamins and minerals found naturally within meat-rich foods should fulfill your dietary needs; otherwise a multivitamin could provide support.

Fish Oil

The carnivore diet is an all-animal nutritional approach that reduces or excludes vegetables, fruit, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds as well as processed fats; in addition it restricts alcohol and dairy. While this diet has proven itself successful at helping individuals lose weight quickly, its focus may limit exposure to certain vitamins and nutrients leading to potential gaps forming within your body requiring supplementation to fill these nutrient gaps effectively ensuring you reap maximum success from this special diet plan. Luckily there are supplements designed specifically designed for new carnivores who want to maximise this unique diet! These top carnivore supplements fill these nutrient gaps effectively so you get maximum benefit out of this unique diet plan!

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People on a carnivore diet may suffer from an imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Eating various animal products such as organ meats, wild game and grass-fed beef may help address this imbalance; however, for some it may still not be sufficient to restore balance in omega-3 consumption.

Cod liver oil provides omega-3 fatty acids essential to human health, providing both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both of which have proven health benefits. Studies indicate this type of supplement may reduce risks such as heart attacks, strokes and abnormal heart rhythms for some individuals.

New carnivores should take vitamin D-containing dietary supplements. Vitamin D helps to regulate calcium, supporting bone health and cardiovascular function. Furthermore, vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue, irritability, muscle weakness, depression or even cognitive dysfunction.

Carnivores should take note: it is vitally important to consume probiotic supplements with multiple strains of beneficial bacteria in them, specifically lactic acid bacteria which help improve digestion and immune system support. The ideal probiotic supplements have high colony-forming units (CFU) counts and should either be shelf stable or refrigerated to preserve viability and ensure adequate viability levels are reached.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day and add a pinch of natural salt for extra electrolytes, particularly if transitioning to carnivorous diet. Staying hydrated may also aid in nutrient absorption and ease digestive symptoms.


Probiotics are particularly helpful for carnivore eaters as they help restore balance to your gut bacteria, known as your microbiome, should it become imbalanced and cause dysbiosis. Probiotics have proven their worth by increasing beneficial bacteria while simultaneously decreasing levels of harmful ones in your gut flora.

If you follow a carnivore diet, supplementation may be necessary in order to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. A multivitamin that provides these essential vitamins will make sure that you’re getting adequate amounts; an ideal choice would be one free from artificial flavors and sugars.

Some individuals who follow the carnivore diet also use digestive enzymes and electrolyte supplements to aid with digestion, particularly those experiencing issues with bloating or other symptoms that could indicate nutritional deficiency. These supplements may provide further support.

Fish oil supplements are an essential addition to the carnivore diet, providing essential vitamin D, EPA and DHA intake. Fatty fish such as salmon and sardines contain this omega-3 richness; but if these types of foods don’t appeal, fish oil supplements provide omega-3s for you as an alternative source.

Other essentials for the carnivore diet are high-quality beef bone broth, which provides essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium as well as being an excellent source of protein – something which may otherwise be difficult to find without dairy in one’s diet.

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Minerals such as sodium and potassium can often be found in meat and dairy, but those following a strict carnivore diet may need to supplement their diets with these vitamins. Citrate-form supplements of sodium and potassium may be easier for some to absorb than their crystalline forms.

The carnivore diet lacks fiber, which can be good for many health benefits but can lead to constipation for some individuals. If you’re following this diet, fiber can be added by eating fermented foods or taking probiotics containing Lactobacillus bacteria; make sure the product lists how many live organisms (or colony-forming units (CFU) per dose it contains and choose one with at least 10 billion CFU per dose for best results.


Carnivore diet advocates tout it as an effective solution for depression, rheumatoid arthritis and obesity – with anecdotal evidence to back their claims that symptoms like bloating, indigestion and headaches have decreased while prescription needs for conditions like diabetes and inflammatory bowel diseases have also reduced. Unfortunately, however, no hard evidence backs these claims up; but advocates point to reductions in symptoms such as these being reduced with medication needed less often for conditions like these requiring less care overall.

There may be concerns that this diet lacks essential nutrients. A carnivore diet, for instance, could be lacking vitamins B12 and D and calcium and magnesium–both necessary components of bone and muscle health. As such, people following such a regimen may require supplementation with multivitamins in order to ensure they’re receiving enough of these essential elements.

A good multivitamin should contain vitamin C for immune health and iron absorption. Vitamin K2, which works with vitamin D to control calcium in the body and support cardiovascular and bone health, should also be present as well as omega-3 fatty acids which provide cardiovascular support while countering high levels of saturated fat found in carnivorous diets.

Carnivore dieters should also consider supplementing with probiotics and fish oil supplements to support digestive health, and provide essential omega-3 fatty acids that may be lacking from eating meat alone. It is best to choose formulas free from added sugar and artificial flavors for both types of supplements.

Other essential supplements should be considered, including vitamin A for eye and organ health and protein powder for those who do not consume dairy or eggs. In some instances, people require mineral supplements to make up for deficiencies in potassium, calcium, and magnesium; the ideal one would contain trace minerals easily absorbed by their bodies.