By now most people that want to learn as much as possible about health are aware of the fact that calcium is vital for anyone’s bone health. Obviously, just as with all the nutrients, the best possible way to get the quantities that you need is to consume foods that are high on calcium but when diets fall short, you have to seriously consider taking calcium supplements.
Do learn all that you can about how much calcium the human body requires. Only in the event that you cannot get how much you need from what you need you should consider supplementation. As you choose supplements, think about the following factors:
Calcium Quantity
Look at elemental calcium since that is how much calcium is actually included in the chosen supplement. It is what the body will absorb and what will bring in health benefits. On all supplements you will find Supplement Facts. That is where you can read details about the ingredients and quantities of all supplements. For instance, if the calcium supplement is labeled as being 40% elemental calcium and we have a quantity of 1,250 mg of calcium carbonate, it means that there are 500 mg of calcium that are present in the supplement.
Calcium Side Effects
The great thing about calcium supplements is that there are not many side effects that are possible. However, they do exist. Be careful about the appearance of bloating, constipation and gas. Calcium carbonate based supplements are those that are really constipating. It is possible that you have to test various calcium supplement brands until you find something that is perfect for you.
Prescription Medication
One thing that many do not know is that calcium supplements will interact with various prescription medications. This includes synthetic thyroid hormones, calcium channel blockers, antibiotics, bisphosphonates and blood pressure medications. You can talk with the pharmacist or the doctor about the interactions that are possible and you can even learn about what calcium supplement types would be better suited for you.
Calcium Supplement Quality
It is the manufacturer that is responsible for guaranteeing that the supplement is created in a safe environment and that all the claims are truthful. It is a really good idea that you only buy those calcium supplements that are products independently tested. When looking at costs, there are way too many factors that have an effect on that. You will need to compare so that you can choose something that is great.
The forms that are available with calcium supplements include capsules, powders, liquids, chews and tablets. Most people do have problems in swallowing pills so options are available. It is not at all a bad idea to take liquid or chewable calcium supplements.
Supplement Absorbability
In order for the supplement to be effective, the body has to be able to absorb what is taken. It is worth mentioning that calcium is almost always better absorbed when it is taken in smaller doses, usually under or equal to 500 mg. Take the supplement at mealtimes. If you have low stomach acid problems, you will want to consider taking supplements with calcium citrate since they are much better.
Calcium Supplements Risks
Obviously, not everyone can take calcium supplements. In the event that there are conditions that will cause the buildup of excess calcium in the blood, such supplementation has to always be avoided. The best thing that you can do is talk to the doctor in order to see exactly what you are allowed to and what you are not. Some statistics show that there may be a link between heart disease and calcium supplements due to fatty plaques that would appear inside arteries but not enough proof is available. Research is necessary.
The idea is that you do not want to consume too much calcium, either from diets or supplementation, even if, in theory, it is not dangerous. The best thing that you can do is talk with your doctor before taking any supplement, including calcium.